If you’re a personal trainer – it’s most likely this article is going to offend you. So, be warned.
If you’ve sticked around long enough on my website, you would have realised by now that I’m not really a big fan of personal trainers. Now, don’t get me wrong – this is not because I don’t believe they are good, but mainly because I believe there are so many personal trainers out there, who despite the certification they possess, still lack the experience, the knowledge, and most importantly – the personal passion for the pursuit of physical fitness.
I’ve always believed that a personal trainer needs to walk the walk, and talk the talk! No point trying to motivate someone to lose weight if you’re a fat ass yourself, don’t you think? Take a look at the available personal trainers at your gym – how fit are they? Or just how full of bullshit are they? If they’re supposedly good at helping you ‘bulk up’ and help you gain muscle – do their physiques themselves show off their capability? Or if their expertise is ‘weight loss’, are they so lean and fit that they deserve to be admired? Cos if they’re overweight and flabby themselves, trust me – that simply shows the amount of motivation that they themselves lack to improve their very own physique. Don’t agree with me? Too bad then.
Personally, I myself have never paid for the services of a personal trainer mainly because I’ve always believed that I don’t see the necessity for me to have one. I think I know how to eat right, I know what to do at the gym to achieve my goals, and I know how to motivate myself for my workouts. I almost ALWAYS have productive workouts due to my strict focus, discipline, and mental preparation before every workout, plus – the music on my MP3 player helps me to stay in ‘my own world’ when I’m working out and in giving 101%. On top of all that, I see results.
However, for those of you who are in need of a little extra help – perhaps you’re a little clueless as to what to do at the gym? Or in need of some guidance, tailored nutritional advice, workout routines 100% tailored especially for you, and if you have the money to spare – then by all means, do get yourself a personal trainer! Not only would they would be able to guide you, but they would help keep your progress in check and take you to new levels of awareness – hopefully helping you succeed in reaching your fitness goals.
The problem, however, in my opinion (especially here in my country Malaysia) is the lack of properly qualified personal trainers. Though they exist somewhere out there, they’re not easy to find – especially if you’re new to the gym and are totally clueless. Plus, it’s easy to be ‘seduced’ by the sweet talk of the personal trainer you get through your ‘complimentary sessions’ at the gym. If you ask me, most of them are just out there to meet their sales targets and make a living. Are they really, honestly concerned if you meet your goals? Would they call you to talk to you, be your friend, or allow you to call them anytime at all you have a doubt, or if you’re worried or confused on what to eat?
Disgustingly, some personal trainers I’ve known are only interested to get into the skirts of their clients (believe me). I know one personal trainer from a particular branch at my gym who used to offer my female friend ENDLESS FREE SESSIONS… in exchange for a date! And at the end of every session – he would ask her out. Of course, she never really agreed – but he would even try to talk and hint naughty thoughts at her.. and I’m sure she’s not the only one. Why is it that all the females seem to get the ‘FREE SESSIONS’ even if they don’t qualify for it? Why don’t they approach the men to give free sessions instead? When they train their female clients, they touch them more, they help them more, they get closer to them physically. I don’t see them doing the same to their male clients. How come? I’ve got nothing to say.
I’ve always personally believed that a personal trainer needs more than a ‘certification’. They need the passion, the experience (this is so important), and the gifted ability to simply be able to motivate even the laziest person on earth. Does someone like this exist? Of course they do! You just need to look harder.
Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site http://www.dailymuscle.com which offers the author’s personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.