Everybody knows that 98% of dieters fail.
But do you know exactly why does this happen?
To understand this, let’s probe a little deeper
into the working of your own body.
The fact is,Your own body holds the secret key to
weight loss.
Human body is a complex, self-sufficient machine
capable of managing it’s affairs on it’s own.
It has an independent defence and immune system ready
to attack any desease or external parasite in the
fraction of a second.
This clearly indicates that your own body can cure any
disease on its own if proper conditions are made
available for it’s functioning.
Now, the question is, what are the conditions required
for the body to function properly and get rid of the
excess fat and lose weight.
To understand this, let us take a small example:
If your skin gets burnt accidentally, you apply
some ointment containing antibacterial/antiseptic properties.
What you are doing in effect is, you are creating a
bacteria free environment on the spot of the burn so that
the wound doesn’t get aggravated.
The actual work of healing the wound is done by the
skin (read body) and not the ointment. By applying the
ointment, you created an ideal bacteria free
condition for the body to heal itself.
Same holds true in the case of the body fighting obesity.
Your body stores fat as reserve
(for times of starvation) and dissolves it on demand
by it’s metabolic system.
The same way as it can cure any desease,
it also has an inborn ability for burning
up this excess fat lose weight automatically.
The body has many regulatory (hormone producing)
filtering (fat burning) and excretory organs which are
capable of keeping the body at an optimum weight level.
But the continuous overload of junk processed food and
toxins in your diet and daily living has damaged the
functioning of many of these organs, resulting in their
malfunction and consequent weight gain.
Faulty diet, polluted environment and stressful living
unknowingly introduce a lot of toxins into your system.
Definitely, these toxins will create problems in one way
or the other in your body, isn’t it?
No doubt, a host of diseases like diabetes, cardio vascular
diseases, colon cancer, gallbladder disease etc. are
associated with obesity.
So, a good weight loss program must begin with detoxification.
Because, until and unless these toxins are removed from your
body, there won’t be any significant loss of weight which
can be sustained over a long period of time.
Many diet programes have advocated different eating methods
and combination of foods. Some diets want you to rely on low
fat high carbohydrate, some on high protein low carb, whereas
some diets have food according to the blood type and still
others say different foods have different reaction with enzymes.
“But merely shifting to a different or healthier diet plan without
getting rid of the toxins in the body is just like putting a freshly
prepared cake in a bin, full of garbage. The cake also becomes
garbage in a short while.”
This is the reason why 98% diets fail! Got it?
So, what is the permanent solution for this problem?
To get to the root..I have researched and
reviewed most of the diet programs out
there…studied those fat loss weight loss
supplements and come to a conclusion that to really
lose weight in a healthy manner, you need a weight
loss program having a comprehensive
approach and a proven track record.
And after running through all the research materials out
there…I stumbled across the 5000 year old Ayurveda
medicinal science.Only Ayurveda seemed to have an all
round holistic view so essential for weight loss.
In fact,I was pleasantly surprised to know that this is the
only science which has recognized obesity as a desease
thousands of years back and suggested a remedy for the same!
Ayurveda recommends the following 3 steps for effectively losing
weight and keeping it off forever.
1)Remove toxins
a)Through the breath
b)Through the excretory organs
c)Through the skin
2)Burn fat
Increase metabolism naturally with the help of natural herbs
recommended by Ayurveda.
3)Keep fat off forever
Optimize the functioning of various fat burning organs
like thyroid,lever etc with the help of specific breathing
techniques,postures and herbs.
You only need to follow these three simple steps for losing weight
easily and effectively.
You can get all these three steps delivered directly to your inbox FREE
by suscribing to my ecourse
my newsletter at: www.eweightlosstips.com [http://www.eweightlosstips.com/weightlossltr.htm]
Rajesh Shetty
Expert in weight loss principles of Ayurveda Medical Science and Author of the Best selling book, “Proven weight loss secrets revealed”. http://www.eweightlosstips.com [http://www.eweightlosstips.com/weightlossltr.htm]