For an acne-afflicted person, the skin disorder may bring tremendous embarrassments. This also may lessen his self-esteem and may trigger him to stay away from people. Therefore it is but essential that proper skin care methods are applied to exterminate the skin condition or at the very least, lessen the outbreak.
The following are gathered to aid you in healing the skin disorder that has been troubling you for quite some time now.
oTo remove excess oil in your face, you should be using a skin astringent.
oThough it is not advisable that skin moisturizers are applied on a daily basis, oil free moisturizers can supplement for the loss of moisture, especially after bath when your skin is quite flaky.
oIt is more advisable to choose water-based products over skin care products that has oil or petroleum contents,
ohoney mask must be applied once a week. It is regarded as a disinfectant and is believed to have medicinal properties that are proven in healing minor blemishes. Also, it may destroy bacteria thriving on the skin.
oWash your face with sulphur-based soap two times a day. Possibly in the morning after you wake up and in the evening before you sleep. Scrubbing is not advisable, you only have to touch it smoothly. On the other hand, too much washing of the skin may create further trouble than help.
oIf you wear a long hair, it is advisable to cut your hair short. Your hair has oil-content and may accumulate dirt. Once you move and your hair gets in contact to your face or your neck, this may worsen the case. Also, it is proper that your hair is washed daily.
o Take daily multi vita,ins daily. Your skin may be needing nutritional supplements which may not be provided in your diet.
o To quickly heal your pimples, it is recommended that your take chromium supplements.
o Vitamin A must be included in your diet for it may help in protecting and preveting the skin from acne. It may also aid in the reduction of seum.
o Your make up must be removed before going to bed and the use of any types of cold creams and lotions is not advisable. In case you you may really want wearing make-up, you must choose cosmetics that are water based and does not contain oil in them.
o Eight glasses of water a day will significantly cleanse and hydrate your skin and may provide your an over-all body good health.
o Never squeeze or pop pimples beacasue this may casue irritation and inflammation. It may also push the dirt deeper into the skin and may cause swelling. Also, popping and squeezing may leave permanent scars on the skin surface.
o It is generrally good to avoid using alcohol-based lotions.
o Your pillow case must be changed or washed on a daily basis.
o It is alos essential that Zinc is included in the food items you take. Low body content of zinc ay ause acne breakouts.
o You must not wear tight clothes once youget acne on your bidy.
o Acne infected people must avoid being exposed to the sun and should be using UVB/UVA sunscreen, also oil based sunscreens must never be used.
o A moderate exercise may help in the blood circulation and may wipe out body too.
Jacqui Morrison is the webmaster at []