I lived with an obese person for over 20 years. So I know a bit about dieting. Although I am not overweight, I was witness to my wife’s battle with overeating and her addiction to food. She tried most of the more common diet fads of the day. Together, we tried them all as I attempted to be the supportive husband. We ate diets consisting of grapefruit, eggs, low-cal foods, high-protein foods, Slim-fast shakes, Lean-Line foods, and so forth. Then came Jenny Craig and Weight-Watchers. This was followed by Dr. Atkins and his revolution. A short time later, “The Zone” raised it’s head. Then there was the South Beach Diet.
Fast-forwarding to today, we have the little Hoodia pills. In the past, appetite suppressants were always plentiful. After all, there had be something that did the trick, right? My wife never had the will-power necessary to cut portions and calories or eliminate sweets and snack foods. She was heavy, so exercise did not come easily. It was a vicious cycle. She was overweight, which made simple exercises less appealing and she balked at the thought.
So we explored other options. She actually wasn’t much of a pill-popper, except for dealing with the pain in her legs. But the diet programs always ended up about the same. She would be excited for the first few weeks and actually lost some weight. Bolstered by the results, she was anxious to tell anyone and everyone about her success. But, eventually, she reached a plateau where she languished without losing for several weeks. It was during this period she began doubting the program. After all, she was doing the same things, but the weight remained constant. She would get discouraged and began cheating. This was the crack in the dike. Within a few weeks, the whole dam burst and she was back to her old habits, diet forgotten.
With the failure apparent, she quickly regained the lost poundage twice as fast as it came off. Now she was distraught, disillusioned, and heavier than when she began. I knew that I couldn’t even bring up the “d” word for the next six months, until the bitterness of defeat wore off. So, how is she doing now, you may ask? Well, upon a doctor’s recommendation, she had gastric bypass surgery and was into her fourth month of recovery when she suddenly died of a heart attack, apparently brought on by decades of obesity. But this is not about her, this article is about you.
If you have read this article hoping to read about a miracle pill to lose weight, then you’ve still come to the right place. That means you’re desperate. Great. You have already realized that (a) obesity can kill, as I explained with my wife, (b) diets don’t work because you have also probably tried them all, and (c) nothing in this world comes easily. The only pill I know of that really works is a sleeping pill. That’s because if you’re asleep, you’re not eating. There, that’s the answer. Of course it won’t cause you to lose, but then again, you won’t gain anything either.
In harsh reality, the hardest pill to swallow is the one that you don’t want to hear: eating less and having lower caloric intake while properly exercising, is the only viable solution that is guaranteed to work every time. So make your decision right now. Live as a fat person or take charge before you either die or suffer poor health. Just like a cigarette smoker, you are doomed. But, unlike them, you are not scarred for life. You can change and should change for the sake of your family and friends and loved ones. They really want you to succeed and that’s a prescription for the best outcome of all; longer life.
Currently, he is the Marketing Director for The Nurses Choice, LLC a Health Information and Doctor Referral site: [http://www.thenurseschoice.com]
Jeffrey Hauser was a sales consultant for the Bell System Yellow Pages for nearly 25 years. He graduated from Pratt Institute with a BFA in Advertising and has a Master’s Degree in teaching. He had his own advertising agency in Scottsdale, Arizona and ran a consulting and design firm, ABC Advertising. He has authored 6 books and a novel, “Pursuit of the Phoenix.” His latest book is, “Inside the Yellow Pages” which can be seen at his website, [http://www.poweradbook.com]